Wildland Fire Module

The Platte Canyon Wildland Fire Module (PCWFM) is a ten-person wildland fire crew based out of the Platte Canyon Fire Protection District in Bailey, Colorado.
As a highly skilled and versatile fire crew, they provide technical and ecological-based expertise in the areas of prescribed fire and wildfire response. This includes long-term planning, ignitions holding, suppression, hazard fuels reduction and fire effects monitoring. While implementing these techniques, the crew helps ensure fire fulfills its natural role to meet resource and management objectives.
Initially certified in 2015, PCWFM is the only non-federal wildland fire module in the country. PCWFM is an innovative, safe, highly mobile, logistically independent and versatile fire module with a commitment to achieving diverse fire and fuels management objectives.
A typical fire season runs from the beginning of May to October, where the module is available to respond nationally to incidents. While not on assignment, the module conducts various fuel projects, providing much needed fire mitigation throughout the district, as well as providing support for all hazard response.
Shelby Edwards
Module Leader
Greg Davis
Assistant Module Leader